Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, it came into being in 1948 with the signing, in Bogotá, Colombia, of the Charter of the OAS.

Nowadays it has 35 independent states of the Americas and has granted permanent observer status to 63 states, as well as to the European Union. The Organization of American States constitutes the principal political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere.

This O.A.S is the most important organization for the american states and it was established to achieve among its member states an order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence.(Article 1 of the Charter of the OAS)

The OAS uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes, based on its pillars: democracy, human rights, security, and development.

Our purpose(n.d)O.A.S, Retrieved on May 17th, from:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Classmate blogs!

The 5 classmates blogs that I visit were:

  • Oh Kitaek's blog
  • Sebastian Posada's blog
  • Carlos Vallejo's blog
  • Estefania Ramirez' blog
  • Jokela Antii Antero's blog

I like all the blogs but the one that I like the most was Sebastian Posada's blog because his blog is very nice, interesting and I like the way he writes, if you want to check it out here is the URL http://sebasposadatheworld.blogspot.com/

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sorry, Kevin Rudd's Apology to "The stolen Generation"

On February 13, 2008, the Australian prime misnister Kevin Rudd apologised for the hurt caused by decades of state-sponsored treatment of the indigenous community.

According to it, it is useful to say sorry after years of wrong policies towars a minoriy? in my point of view the apologise given by the Australian parliament showed the commitment they have with the aboriginals, it was a step in which they say sorry for the hurt they cause but they also have to compensate the families, the parliament should help these people with health, housing and education because those are key elements for the well being of the community.



video: sorry, Kevin Rudd's apology to "the stolen generation" retrieved on may 1st, 2010, from http://youtube.com/

Trade unions in Europe

"Trade unions emerged as a response of workers to the most pernicious effects of the industrial revolution. The first trade unions were established in Western Europe and the United States in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century as a reaction to the developement of capitalism. In colombia the trade unions began since the first companies and factories were established but they became more important in the 1918-1920."1

"Most European Countries have serveral competing union confederations, ofeten divided in political grounds, although the ideological differences may subsequently have weakened. Union mergers continue to remake the trade union landscape, although generally within rather tha between confederations"2

The role that play the trade unions in Europe and Colombia are similar, after the economic crisis the european labor unions enforced their role and started to claim for their rights and their own interest.


1. Sindicato (n.d) retrieved on May 1st 2010 from, http://www.udistrital.edu.co/comunidad/dependencias/sintraud/SINDICATO.doc
images: http://www.claseshistoria.com

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Best Blog of the BOBs

Today I visited the BOBs web page and I found some interesting blogs in the best weblogs english.

The one I like the most was Design For The Other 90% , I think this blog is very interesting and its design is so atractive so the vistors do not get bored looking at it, here it the URL if you want to look at it http://other90.cooperhewitt.org/feed

I also like the blog Talk Morocco because its topics are related to the organisations and culture course, it discusses topics such as identity, diversity, national identity among others, here is the URL if you want to check it out: http://talkmorocco.net/

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

E-comerce in Islamic perspective

Nowadays E-commerce plays an important role in business around the world, it is a new way to facilitate economic transactions that reduces cost and facilitate processes.

But for the muslims is not that easy and some are concerned about the legality of E-commerce according the Syariah law because for their religion in this new commerce are certain cultural issues such as absence of contact between the parties, short selling, payment of interest that is not allow in the Islamic religion and uncertainty that are consider very important topics when doing business.

However the islamism allows the muslims negotiate in the E-commerce according to the Islamic business, that rules imposed by that religion to negotiate does not have huge differences with the steps that others cultures have in the E-commerce; the steps Muslims should use are five: initiating a contract, confirming the validity, implementation , binding that means that both parties have to sign the contract and delivering.The fair trade and honesty are also funtamental pillars when doing business.
To clonclude Muslim people can also join this new technology but with certain recommendations imposed by their religion that in some circumstances limit this people to negociate worldwide and to grow in their business.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Based on the four variables of the reading Leadership behavior and organizational commitment: A comparative study of American and Indian salespersons, I am going to describe and place my points of view of an average salesperson in Colombia.

the organizational commitment, according to McGee (1987) is divided in two categories affective commitment and continuance commitment, in my point of view an average colombian salesperson has a lot affective commitment when is working for a compny because they accept the organization's goals and values, more than continuance commitment because even though the employees accept the organization values they are always looking for a better job even if they are happy en the company.

If a worker want to keep its job and be outstanding in colombia, he must has a leadership behavior, in my opinion the colombian people like to work individual because they like to be recognized and highlighted for its jobs.

In the role stress we have consider, the role ambiguity and the role conflict, the first one represent the power or authority that an employee has to preform a task or the information that he has to do something , i think that this role in colombia is not very frecuently because we can see most of the salesperson has the power of bargain, that is an important task of the role ambiguity ; I consider the role conflict in colombia doesn't apply because there are lot respect for the managers and customer.

Finally the cultural factors are divide two: the individualism as I said before is very common in colombian people because everybody want to shows its capacities to be recognized and congratulated for its jobs, in the other hand, in the power distance the employees somethimes doesn't like to follow rules instead they like to do what they concider the best to do because they think they don't need a boss to tell them what to do.
  • Agarwal,Sanjeev; DeCarlo Thomas E; Vyas, Shyam B, (1999) Journal of International business studies, vol 30, Leadership behavior and organizational commitment: A comparative study of Aamerican and Indian salespersons.
  • Image: www.cpamanagement.blogsport.com/2010/02/easy-sell.html