Saturday, February 6, 2010

¿What is the relationship between national identity and corporate culture?

The concept of corporate culture is the total sum of the values, customs, traditions and meanings that make a company unique. Corporate culture is often called "the character of an organization" since it embodies the vision of the company’s founders. The values of a corporate culture influence the ethical standards within a corporation, as well as managerial behavior.[1]

On the other hand national identity refers to the distinguishing features of the group and to the individual's sense of belonging to it. A very wide range of criteria is used, with very different applications. Small differences in pronunciation may be enough to categorize someone as a member of another nation.[2]

The relationship that I found in the two concepts is that both have certain things, as values, traditions and characteristics that make them unique and different from others.

[1] organizational culture (2010). Retrieved February 6, 2010, from

[2] Nation(2008). Retrived February 6, 201, from


  1. Yes, I thing that corporate culture and national identidy are interdependet, because when you are thinking about create a corporate culture you have to be aware of your national identidy to have a sucesfull process of growing as a company and avoid probles in the future.

  2. It is true, corporate culture and national identity have things in common; values, behaviors, beliefs and traditions are very important to have in mind when creating a company abroad.
