Sunday, February 21, 2010

"The allegator river story"

Classification according to the most offensive to the less 0bjetionable.


I think Sinbad is the most offensive because the only way to cross the river was asking him for the favor,so he felt he has the power to ask wathever he want to Abigail.
Abigail also acted in a bad way beacuse she accepted Sinbad offer on the contrary she woul have explained the situation to Gregory or think in another possibility as rebulid a new brige to see Gregory; As the same time Gregory had a offesive reaction because he did not understad Abigail possition.
In the other hand Slug felling compassion for Abigail reacted beating Gregory, insted of it he would have talked to Gregory to convince him that Abigail did what she did just for love.
And the last one in my list is Ivan because he did not have nothing to do in the problem, even though he would have helped Abigail and maybe the situation would not be like that.

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