Sunday, February 14, 2010

Should individuals bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation?

Corporations are the most common form of business organization, and one which is chartered by a state and given many legal rights as an entity separate from its owners. This form of business is characterized by the limited liability of its owners, the issuance of shares of easily transferable stock, and existence as a going concern. The process of becoming a corporation, call incorporation, gives the company separate legal standing from its owners and protects those owners from being personally liable in the event that the company is sued (a condition known as limited liability). Incorporation also provides companies with a more flexible way to manage their ownership structure. In addition, there are different tax implications for corporations, although these can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. In these respects, corporations differ from sole proprietorships and limited partnership. 1

As the above definition says , individuals and companies are two different elements, for the same reason I believe that any individual who is involved in a corporation should have the responsibilities of the corporations's actions, because the success or the failure of an organization does not depend on just a person it dependes of the whole group who is involved in it.

1 corporation definition.(n.d), (online)


  1. Hi Caro,

    I agree with you, people that are behind each corporation should be judge as well as they are congrats for their achievements, in order to make more transparent the way each one of them run their companies.

    Best regards,


  2. I agree with you. People behind corporations should be responsible of the corporation's actions, because they are the ones rationalizing, taking actions and running the company.
